I've been artist-in-residence for Cudgegong Gallery for the past month. I have been staying in an old shearer's quarters spending time with merinos, galahs, a large brown snake and the rest of the usual wildlife on a sheep property. The first week was like a monastic experience because I couldn't get Radio National and the self-doubting thoughts inside my head were deafening. I started with drawing ideas for a new series of wall sculptures, then went on to making them in clay. Lots of art magazines available in the cottage library so I have also been reading and writing.
I found a small monograph about Janet Lawrence at the op-shop. I remember the disappointment I felt as a sixteen year old when I studied chemistry instead of art because I thought that it was a family tradition that I had to uphold. Science informs my artwork so it was okay in the bigger scheme of things. I'll post an image of some drawings when I get home next week.